Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Tonight's (Oct 25) NY SPIN event: Critical Issues of Mobile App Design: If you build it, will they come? (Jeff Bonar).

It has come to our attention that an announcement for an event back in April has somehow been received by some folks. Please ignore that outdated notice. Below is the correct information and registration for tonight's event.


Oct. 25: Critical Issues of Mobile App Design: If you build it, will they come? (Jeff Bonar).

This talk will focus on the critical issues of mobile app design: how to think through the actual user needs and translate them to the very particular and constrained world of a mobile device.

Please bring your domain areas and use cases. Lets have a spirited discussion about how make powerful mobile apps that have the potential to help us solve real world problems.

the button below to register and for more details :

Eventbrite - Oct. 25: Jeff Bonar presents: "Mobil-ize Your Application!"

We look forward to seeing you.

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