=============================================Please note that we have new and varied meeting spaces this season.
NY SPIN is pleased to welcome Devin Hedge of Platinum Sponsor BigVisible Solutions. Devin's topic: Agile in a Highly Regulated Industry: Lessons learned from government, insurance and the financial services world.
NY SPIN is also pleased to welcome Moody's Corporation as the Hosting Sponsor for this event.
NY SPIN is also pleased to welcome Moody's Corporation as the Hosting Sponsor for this event.
Click here to RSVP for the February Meeting
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Other Events:
Save $200 off either the early bird or the standard registration for all BigVisible NYC classes between now and the end of December with code NYSPIN.
Project Management Professionals (PMPs) earn 1 PDU credit for attending an NY SPIN event. (PMI considers NY SPIN to be a "Category B Continuing Education Provider".)
Date: (Tuesday) February 5, 2012
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Topic: Agile in a Highly Regulated Industry:
Lessons Learned from Government, Insurance and the Financial Services World
Presenter(s): Devin Hedge
Location: Moody's Corporation
Date: (Tuesday) February 5, 2012
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Topic: Agile in a Highly Regulated Industry:
Lessons Learned from Government, Insurance and the Financial Services World
Presenter(s): Devin Hedge
Location: Moody's Corporation
Platinum Sponsor
BigVisible Solutions - Leading Providers of Agile Coaching, Training, and Consulting.
Other Sponsors
KuperPresents.com (managing our website)
Pearson Education/InformIT (providing books we raffle off at NY SPIN events)
Registration ends December 4th at (or when all seats are filled)
Agile in a Highly Regulated Industry:
Lessons learned from government, insurance and the financial services world
The need for sustained innovation in an environment of perpetual change and increasing complexity from evolving inter-dependence -- while regulators tighten the screws seemingly on a daily basis -- seems daunting to many business leaders. Increasingly, we are hearing Agile's dirty little failure rate. Could it be that Agile is doomed to suffer the same fate of all previous efforts to deal with the complexities building information-based products?
A study of where governments, insurance and financial services companies have succeeded in a vast ocean of expectations never fully realized gives some clues of underlying challenges often dismissed as "too big" or "outside the scope of the adoption initiative" by initiates.
In this session, we will pick through several Agile Transformation Initiatives within government agencies, and within the insurance and financial services industries, and learn about how middle management budget games, the dearth of leadership maturity, outsourcing the wrong things, and being too process focused severely undermines businesses being able to create the sustainable innovation centers needed to remain relevant. For each area we will look at specific (though masked) scenarios, the solutions explored in each case, and finally, what was needed or learned about what was needed to overcome these challenges.
Biography: Devin Hedge

Devin is an active member of the Agile community, mentoring professionals from the server room to the board room through various professional organizations and Agile Community functions.
Devin is a former Army Officer. His industry experience includes Healthcare, Telecommunications, Financial Services, Internet Startups, Media, and Federal Government Agencies, where he has used Agile Practices in highly regulated environments under standards such as ISO9000/9001-2000 and SEI CMM/CMMI.
Click here to RSVP for the February Meeting
Moody's Corporation
7 World Trade Center at
250 Greenwich Street
New York, NY 10007
7 World Trade Center at
250 Greenwich Street
New York, NY 10007
By Train/Subway
Not all
trains run at all times and subway schedules are subject to change. For
current schedules, weekly service advisories and maps, contact the
Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) at (718) 330-1234 or visit
the subway section of the MTA Web Site.
The following are nearby train and subway stops:
A, C, E to Chambers Street/World Trade Center
2, 3 to Park Place
N, R to City Hall4, 5 to Fulton Street
PATH to World Trade Center
Click here to RSVP for the February Meeting
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at the top this message.
To manage your registration and/or membership, follow the instructions
at the top this message.